Windows2003でのXcopy /?の実行結果
Windows2008でのXcopy /?の実行結果
リソースキッドをインストールすると、インストールフォルダにrobocopy.docというMS WORDのファイルがあります。
その中にReturn Codeに関する表がありました。
Hex Bit Value | Decimal Value | Meaning If Set |
0x10 | 16 | Serious error. Robocopy did not copy any files. This is either a usage error or an error due to insufficient access privileges on the source or destination directories. |
0x08 | 8 | Some files or directories could not be copied (copy errors occurred and the retry limit was exceeded). Check these errors further. |
0x04 | 4 | Some Mismatched files or directories were detected. Examine the output log. Housekeeping is probably necessary. |
0x02 | 2 | Some Extra files or directories were detected. Examine the output log. Some housekeeping may be needed. |
0x01 | 1 | One or more files were copied successfully (that is, new files have arrived). |
0x00 | 0 | No errors occurred, and no copying was done. The source and destination directory trees are completely synchronized. |
if errorlevel 16 echo ***FATAL ERROR*** & goto end if errorlevel 15 echo FAIL MISM XTRA COPY & goto end if errorlevel 14 echo FAIL MISM XTRA & goto end if errorlevel 13 echo FAIL MISM COPY & goto end if errorlevel 12 echo FAIL MISM & goto end if errorlevel 11 echo FAIL XTRA COPY & goto end if errorlevel 10 echo FAIL XTRA & goto end if errorlevel 9 echo FAIL COPY & goto end if errorlevel 8 echo FAIL & goto end if errorlevel 7 echo MISM XTRA COPY & goto end if errorlevel 6 echo MISM XTRA & goto end if errorlevel 5 echo MISM COPY & goto end if errorlevel 4 echo MISM & goto end if errorlevel 3 echo XTRA COPY & goto end if errorlevel 2 echo XTRA & goto end if errorlevel 1 echo COPY & goto end if errorlevel 0 echo --no change-- & goto end :end